Overnight Java Cake – our go-to Christmas forenoon breakfast! Flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, buttermilk, butter eggs, pecans. Assemble the cake the night before and bake in the morning. This is SOOO proficient! Nosotros make it every vacation! #coffeecake #breakfast #cinnamon #pecans

Overnight Coffee Cake - our go-to Christmas morning breakfast! Flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, buttermilk, butter eggs, pecans. Assemble the night before and bake in the morning. This is SOOO good! We make it every holiday!

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Easy Make-Ahead Breakfast Casserole

Christmas forenoon is always crazy hectic. Nosotros never have time to make breakfast before the presents start getting ripped open! This Overnight Coffee Cake is a smashing mode to have a dwelling-cooked breakfast without the fuss on Christmas morning. I got this recipe from my Mom. She swears by information technology and at present I do too. The cake is made the nighttime before and refrigerated until morn. It takes nigh 30 minutes to broil. Bonus – the house smells wonderful while it is blistering! The cake is so moist and succulent. Perfect for hectic weekdays and holiday mornings.

How to Make Overnight Java Cake

This block is very easy to brand. Using a hand-held mixer, mix together flour, sugar, brown carbohydrate, blistering soda, baking pulverisation, common salt, cinnamon, buttermilk, butter, and eggs. Pour the batter into a baking dish. Mix together brownish sugar, pecans, and cinnamon. Sprinkle the mixture over the cake. Encompass and refrigerate overnight. In the morn, remove the dish from the refrigerator, preheat the oven, and bake.

  • To make Homemade Buttermilk combine 1 loving cup of milk with i Tablespoon of white vinegar or 1 Tablespoon of Lemon juice. Let the mixture sit until it starts to curdle, about 5 minutes.
  • You tin bake the block right away if you lot don't take fourth dimension to let the cake sit overnight.
  • Experience gratis to use walnuts or omit the basics altogether if you lot aren't a fan.
  • Can substitute pumpkin spice seasoning for cinnamon.
  • Store leftovers in an air-tight container. The cake will go on 2 or 3 days on the countertop.
Overnight Coffee Cake - our go-to Christmas morning breakfast! Flour, sugar, brown sugar, baking soda, baking powder, cinnamon, buttermilk, butter eggs, pecans. Assemble the night before and bake in the morning. This is SOOO good! We make it every holiday!

What to Serve with Coffee Cake

This java cake is crazy proficient! We love all the yummy cinnamon flavour and pecans. This goes smashing bacon, eggs, hash browns. We usually consume this for breakfast but we've also been known to heat up a slice for dessert with a trivial vanilla ice cream. Yum!

Hither are a few of our favorite breakfast recipes that go great with this yummy coffee cake:

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slice of coffee cake on a plate

Overnight Coffee Block

Yield: x people

Prep Time 10 mins

Cook Fourth dimension thirty mins

Total Time xl mins

Overnight Coffee Cake – our get-to Christmas morning breakfast! Flour, sugar, brown carbohydrate, baking soda, blistering powder, cinnamon, buttermilk, butter eggs, pecans. Assemble the dark before and broil in the morn. This is SOOO good! We make information technology every holiday!


  • 2 cups all-purpose flour
  • one cup sugar
  • ½ loving cup brown sugar
  • i tsp blistering soda
  • 1 tsp blistering powder
  • ½ tsp table salt
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • ane cup buttermilk
  • cup butter , melted
  • ii eggs


  • ½ cup brown carbohydrate
  • ½ loving cup chopped pecans
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • Combine first vii ingredients; add buttermilk, butter and eggs. Vanquish at low speed of an electric mixer just until moistened. Trounce at medium speed for 3 minutes. Pour into a greased and floured 9×thirteen-inch pan.

  • Combine topping ingredients. Sprinkle over concoction. Embrace and air-condition 8-12 hours.

  • Remove cake from oven. Preheat oven to 350ºF.

  • Bake uncovered for thirty-35 minutes.

  • To brand Homemade Buttermilk combine 1 cup of milk with one Tablespoon of white vinegar or 1 Tablespoon of Lemon juice. Let the mixture sit until it starts to curdle, well-nigh 5 minutes.
  • You tin can bake the cake right away if you don't have time to let the block sit overnight.
  • Experience free to employ walnuts or omit the nuts altogether if y'all aren't a fan.
  • Can substitute pumpkin spice seasoning for cinnamon.
  • Shop the cake in an air-tight container. It will keep two to 3 days on the countertop.


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slice of coffee cake on a plate
coffee cake in baking dish
slice of coffee cake on a plate