
How To Keep Cake Moist In The Fridge

Finding your cake dry and crumbly after spending all that time baking can be truly disappointing. Thing is, at this betoken, you would've washed everything right and your cake would've even risen properly and yous would've taken that big breath of relief, only to find that the texture's not right.

Now don't be too disappointed yet, more importantly, don't you lot cartel throw away all your hard work because there are ways to save it. You can soak your cake, reheat it, and if all else fails, make a trifle with information technology.

I'm Angie. I'yard a self-taught baker who'due south been baking for over 10 years. To me, serving dry cake is a crime that I decline to partake in. Over the years, I've discovered ways to relieve my cakes when they come out of the oven dry, and I'thou excited to share these tips with y'all!

Now permit's become baking!


  • 1. Soak It
    • Uncomplicated Syrup
    • Milk
  • 2. Reheat Information technology
    • Steam Bake
    • Microwave
  • 3. Make a Trifle
  • FAQs
    • What makes cake dry and crumbly?
    • What ingredient makes a cake moist?
    • Will block become dry in the refrigerator?
  • Final Thoughts

i. Soak It

The most mutual way to moisten a cake later on blistering is past soaking information technology in a liquid. Think Tres Leches, simply less soaked!

Simple Syrup

This is a fob good by a lot of professional bakers regardless of whether or not the cake turned out besides dry out. When yous have orders coming at yous left correct and center, nearly of u.s.a. have a bunch of sponges fabricated alee of time to be efficient.

Making cakes ahead of time means having to store them. Storing cakes means they will dry. That's why a sugariness sugar syrup is generally brushed on or drizzled over every layer of cake to requite it that actress bit of moisture and flavour.

Making a simple syrup block soak is, well, simple. All you demand is a 1:1 ratio of sugar to water, brought to a simmer on medium to high estrus or until all the sugar has fully dissolved.

I advise starting with ½ a cup of carbohydrate and ½ cup of water if you're making an 8-inch multilayer cake and calibration upwardly and downward based on this corporeality.

Remember, you don't need a lot, only two to three tablespoons per layer. Your cake already contains plenty sugar so you desire to add merely enough syrup to moisten the block without making it overly sugariness.


If you lot're like me and are confronting adding the extra carbohydrate to your already sweet cake, endeavor using a milk-based soak. I learned this trick from the i and merely Christina Tosi, founder and CEO of New York's renowned baker Milk Bar.

Instead of uncomplicated syrup, milkbar cake recipes always come with a "milk/cake soak". The basic cake soak for their famous birthday cake is a vanilla milk which consists of nothing but a few drops of vanilla mixed with milk.

I like this method a lot because you can easily change up the flavour of your milk soak to better bring out the flavour of your cake. For example, I would use a coffee milk soak for my chocolate cake to intensify the chocolate flavor.

Evenly dampen each of your cake layers with 2 to 3 tablespoons of your milk soak with a squeeze bottle or brushing information technology on with a pastry brush.

two. Reheat Information technology

Reheating your cake is another fashion to arrive moister. This is because when your cake is reheated, air pockets inside it expand which gives wet another risk to achieve inside.

Also, if your cake contains a lot of butter or chocolate, heating it will lead these ingredients to melt, softening and moistening the texture of your block again.

Steam Broil

Steaming is an obvious way to go virtually adding wet to anything. When it comes to baking, cakes that are steam broiled always retain moisture way better than a regular cake does.

To steam-bake a block you desire to beginning preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. fill a tray with h2o and place information technology on the bottom rack in your oven. Since air travel upwards, the steam created from the water evaporating volition move upward and make full the pockets in your cake.

You want to make sure to place your cake in a tray or an oven-safe plate before steaming it and so that the barrier is there to prevent your cake bottom from getting too soggy. Exit it in for about five to 10 minutes and before yous know it, you'll have a moist cake.


A quicker way to moisten your cake is by reheating it with a microwave. This will save you time preheating your oven. All y'all need is a paper towel and a plate to hold your cake.

First, dampen your paper towel and lay it on your microwave-safe plate. Place your cake on summit and place some other dampen paper towel on top of your cake, sandwiching it.

Now all you demand to do is to "nuke" it a few times in x-15 seconds intervals, checking between each time to make sure null is browning or burning.

The merely downside to this method is the moistened effect will only last for a curt while subsequently you microwave it. So utilise this method but before you serve your block for the best results.

3. Make a Trifle

If you've tried it all only still feel that your block is too dry out to be salvaged, you can always cutting your block sponge into smaller bite-sized pieces and use it to make a trifle!

There are lots of succulent liquids in the trifle and your dry or somewhat stale sponge volition soak upward all of those flavors and become moist again. I hope you, no one volition know your cake was dry in the first identify.

Here's an easy vanilla berry cake trifle recipe for y'all to effort out. Instead of vanilla cake, simply bandy it to whatever cake you've fabricated!


Hither I'll answer some commonly asked questions about moistening cake.

What makes cake dry and crumbly?

Baking the block for besides long or at a temperature too high volition result in your cake getting dry and crumbly. Non using plenty wet ingredients such as oil, butter, eggs, saccharide, and milk can also make your cake dry.

What ingredient makes a block moist?

Moisture ingredients in your cake make it moist. Fat, eggs, carbohydrate, and any liquid or pureed fruit you add to your cake are all considered wet ingredients.

Will cake go dry in the fridge?

By and large speaking, your cake volition get dry in the fridge. You tin can, notwithstanding, ho-hum downwardly the drying by putting your cake in an airtight container or wrapping it tightly in plastic wrap earlier putting it in the fridge.

Final Thoughts

Moist, is a give-and-take that's only adequate when used to describe cakes. In fact, no one should eat cake that'south Non moist.

If for some reason you lot failed to brand your cake moist, you should know past at present that at that place's no need to panic. But effort i of the methods above to moisten your block and you'll be serving moist cake in no time.

Have you tried whatever of these methods? Which one'due south been your favorite? Let united states of america know in the comments below.

I am a cocky-taught baker. I've been baking for over ten years and started my own home blistering business as a side hustle. I was born in Hong Kong and spent a pretty big chunk of my life in Canada. If y'all're ever looking for me, I am probably there whisking vigorously away in the kitchen.

How To Keep Cake Moist In The Fridge,


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